
Address available on request

103 acre


Phone enquiries - please quote property ID 10434

An oasis right in the heart of the Walpole Wilderness Area. Prime land in prime location. Offered as a going concern. Only a short drive from Walpole townsite and on school bus route.

All the hard work has been done. Buy now and let tennants pay for it until you are ready to retire. Ideal quality lifestyle with firm income plus further potential for other agricultural, horticultural or aquacultural pursuits. Excellent rainfall (1200 - 1400mm average per annum) and very long growing period. No drought here! In fact very comfortable climate all year round in this coastal haven

41.7 hectares/103 acres. All cleared and pastured with rye, clover and kikuyu into 7 paddocks, including calf paddock, each with shelter belt and dam. First class gates and electrified fencing system. Front fence feature at driveway. Excellent fertilizer history. Capable of running 30 breeders with followers plus around 10 yearlings.

Two winter creeks, running around 10 months of the year. Ample firewood on property for many years to come. Timber Cattle yards, head baler and loading ramp, all in good condition. MSA and Land for Wildlife accredited.

Attractive Ross Squires fully insulated homestead, steel framed with Western Red Cedar cladding and Zincalume roof. Aluminium windows and doors. Verandahs all round, with railings. 3 large Bedrooms, main with full length built in robes with mirror sliding doors, 1 large Bathroom, 1 Toilet. Dream Kitchen, with abundance of cupboards, large open plan Dining and Lounge, with sliding door opening to patio with panoramic outlook over property. Jarrahdale tile fire in Lounge Room heats whole house. Quality furnishings and fittings including berber carpet throughout, near new professionally made curtains in Kitchen, Dining and Lounge, tasteful decor in neutral tones. Rainwater tanks holding 93,480 lts potable water. New electric HWS. Satellite dish with Foxtel TV, aerial for free to air TV. Separate satellite dish for Broadband Internet. Two phone lines with lightning arrester. Auxiliary power system. Carport UMR holds 2 cars. Very attractive yard and gardens watered with pumped dam water, attracting an abundance of native birds. Large Zincalume 30 x 10 lockable shed with sliding doors, personnel door, concrete floor, work bench, power and telephone. 30 x 10 open fronted extension to shed with gravel base. Wood shed and poultry enclosure. Small orchard.

Included in sale : 12 mainly Aberdeen Angus breeders with Murray Grey calves at foot, John Deere 2WD 84hp Tractor with dual remotes, ROPS, FEL and Carry-all, Stihl Chain Saw, Robin 5 KVA Generator, Davey Fire fighting pump unit and hoses, Overhead fuel tank 1200 lts, Calf Trailer with crate, licensed, Ford Courier Utility 2WD, long bed, licensed, Cox Ride-on Mower, Fencing jenny, Calf pullers, Stihl petrol driven Brush Cutter, Howard 5ft Slasher, various other farming equipment and workshop tools.

Walpole has a population of around 500 and is situated in the South Coastal southern forests area of Western Australia. It boasts a mild climate all year round and is a progressive town with all essential services, comprehensive shopping and an abundance of recreational pursuits such as fishing and surfing, Country Club with golf and bowls, Rec Centre, Yoga, Ladies Crafts, Seniors Group and many community and social groups.

Other properties in ‘Walpole’

Walpole WA
120 acres 1 lake and 14 marron ponds
Address available on request
2 years, 7 months ago
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