Phone enquiries - please quote property ID 18660
Just 15 minutes from Mackay, this perfect location with a lifestyle property and business must be seen to be appreciated.
The residence, business and the freehold are being sold as one. This is certainly an opportunity for those pet/dog lovers to consider seriously!
The land is 26.69 hectares (65.45 acres), which has a multitude of uses, including good grazing land for cattle or horses.
The freehold includes all of the infrastructure which is second to none!
* Separate well-appointed office for the business includes storage
* 2 x 24 x 6m sheds may accommodate up to 100 dogs at one time
* This Canine accommodation is one of the best around including television & great exercise yards
* Large machinery shed may accommodate up to six vehicles
* Flat useable land to build more boarding accommodation or your dream home
* Easily accessible to the public, bitumen road way, loads of parking
The homestead is also very well presented with a beautiful rural outlook. It comprises 3 bedrooms, beautiful under-roof verandah, modern timber bench kitchen with s/s appliances and tiled flooring. Free standing combustion heater, open planned dining and living room, sliding doors to verandah, a central bathroom and 2 LUG mezzanine storage areas. Extremely comfortable home and well presented home.
The business is well established and provides short and long term stays for our canine friends. It has established clientele with many repeat and new customers. It is one of the best boarding kennels around! Although already a profitable business a new owner could easily improve an already sound business.
Facebook/social Media is already set-up and helps provide new customers
Profit and loss available for genuine interested parties.
Well to say the least: it is beautiful! Nature in abundance with trees and native wildlife including Pretty Faced Wallabies, Scrub Turkeys and many other exotic birds who visit regularly.
Flat useable land to build more boarding accommodation or your dream home
Easily accessible to the public, bitumen road way, loads of parking
Farmstay accommodation
The opportunities are endless – (all subject to council approval)
This is the ULTIMATE LIFESTYE PROPERTY WITH RESIDENCE! Highly recommended for your inspection.